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This blog (and my general online presence in the beauty and wellness world) has been a long time coming. After struggling for years to start posting about my skincare (and life) journey, the time has finally come where my anxiety took a back seat and I allowed myself to just go for it. That said, I'm quite proud of myself over what I've done so far. I started getting more comfortable with posting skincare reviews, showing makeup looks, even publishing videos!

I've struggled with acne pretty much all my life, and it's been a roller coaster trying to manage it and figure out what works for me. As a POC, I've had difficulty finding foundation that doesn't leave me looking ashy, eyeshadow that doesn't look muddy, and curl care products that don't leave my hair stringy. Working in the industry has strengthened my skills and knowledge of ingredients and formulations, and I want to be able to share this with all of you to make it all a little easier.

As for the social justice portion: being a member of several marginalized groups, diversity, inclusion, equity, and basic human rights has always been second nature to me. I've often thought about where I, and others like me, fit in in the beauty world, in literature, in media, in music, in the workplace, in the world.

Professionally, I have a background in criminal justice and mental health. I work as a social justice educator. I'm a fierce advocate for justice and will never stop working to amplify the voices of those who are marginalized and underrepresented. People like me.

What does this have to do with beauty? Well, everything. Eurocentric beauty standards have dictated the way I wear my hair, how I do my makeup, how my body should look, and the way I see beauty and what's "acceptable." I never saw people who looked like me, whether it be skin tone, body shape, or racial and religious identities. I never saw people like me enjoying the luxurious lifestyle associated with "self care." I never saw people like me, period. All of this has obviously taken a toll on young, impressionable me.


All of these are linked together, and all of these are important to me. Through this blog, I want to share what's been on my skin, and on my mind. I want this to be a South Asian Safe Space. I want to be open, honest, and vulnerable about all of my journeys. I hope you're ready to join me.

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